

Do you know how to cool the cold storage?

PubDate:2017-11-16Author:Jinlun CompanySources:Mingdi heat pumpViews:4020

Molds generally grow in dark, damp areas and can withstand lower temperatures. Usually in the high temperature library, the situation is the most serious. The mold grows in the cold storage, and the spores fly everywhere, which pollutes the goods and products stored in the warehouse. The mold itself is harmless and does not produce toxins, but if the mold is produced, the appearance of the product will be greatly reduced, and it will cause the meat to rot. Therefore, the work of removing mold has been paid attention to by people, but there are many methods for removing mold, but it is not convenient to implement. There are three main types of mold removal methods: mechanical mold removal, physical mold removal and chemical mold removal.

First, mechanical mold removal method

This method is to clean and remove the moldy part, it is also combined with other mold removal methods. In the mechanical mold removal method, there is an air washing method, which is to install a water sprinkler at the air inlet, and the air is washed away by the spores of the mold when the air is circulated, which is like the current wet type chiller. Can play a role in reducing mold.

Second, the physical mold removal method

This method uses physical means such as temperature, humidity, ultraviolet light, high frequency electricity and copper mesh filter to remove mold. The temperature at which molds grow is generally between -6 and 40 ° C. For this reason, mold growth is rarely observed in low temperature reservoirs, and the use of hot alkaline water can also kill mold on tool equipment. The growth of mold has a great relationship with temperature, so the temperature control can only be used properly. It is a better method to remove mold by ultraviolet light. It can not only sterilize, but also remove mold, and also has some deodorizing effects. However, this can only be applied to the part directly irradiated. Generally, it is irradiated with ultraviolet light of 0.33 to 3 watts per cubic meter, and irradiation for 6 hours on an area of 2 meters can play a role in killing microorganisms. However, the effect of ultraviolet light is affected by temperature and humidity, and the closer to the normal temperature of microbial growth, the higher the humidity, the stronger the ability to sterilize and remove mold. Ultraviolet light promotes the oxidation of fat, so be careful when using it. The copper mesh filter is a net made of copper wire on the upwind, which can kill some mold.

Third, chemical mold removal method

Commonly used are lactic acid, carbon dioxide, ozone, formaldehyde, bleaching powder, sodium fluoride, sodium hydroxybiphenolate and the like.

1 lactic acid method

It is a reliable disinfection method, which can remove mold, sterilize and deodorize. The method of use is to first clean the warehouse, use 1 ml of crude lactic acid per cubic meter, add 1 to 2 parts of water per lactic acid, place the mixture in an enamel pot, and heat it on an electric furnace. General requirements The liquid is controlled to evaporate in about half an hour to about 3 hours. Then turn off the electric furnace, and close the Kumen for about 6 to 24 hours to make the lactic acid fully or moldy, in order to achieve disinfection. It has been proved by the experiment of the “Met and Anti-Virus Experimental Group” of the Meat Company of Hunan Provincial Commercial Bureau. The lactic acid disinfectant has a certain effect on the sterilization of the warehouse in the case of one milliliter per cubic meter. The warehouse after disinfection is reduced by 70%, and the mold is reduced by 70%.

2 carbon dioxide method

It does not kill mold at any concentration, it only delays the growth of mold. When the concentration of carbon dioxide in the indoor air reaches 40% at 0 ° C, the growth of mold can be completely prevented. However, when its concentration in air exceeds 20%, the meat is discolored due to the formation of denatured hemoglobin. It is generally considered that when the concentration of indoor carbon dioxide is 10% at 0 ° C, the storage period of the cooled meat in the refrigerator can be more than doubled.

3 ozone method

It is a better method, which can both sterilize and remove mold and remove odor. In this way, an ozone generator should be used to crack the two atoms of oxygen in the air into two atoms of ozone. The formed ozone is driven into a cold storage, and its concentration is about 1 to 3 mg/m3. But ozone is a strong oxidant, which can make the lean meat fade and fat oxidation, while ozone is irritating to human mucosa, so it should be noted when using.

4 formaldehyde method

That is the formalin steam method. This method can be sterilized by detoxification, but formalin has a large smell. If it is absorbed by meat, it can not be eaten. At the same time, formalin is very irritating to people, so pay attention to safety when using it. To use this method, the library should be empty and cleaned, usually 15 ml of formalin per cubic meter. There are two ways to turn formalin into steam: one is to put formalin in a closed bucket and use a pipe to pass into the cold storage, and the fire is burned underneath; one is to put formalin in an open bucket. In the cold storage, the operator puts the appropriate amount of potassium permanganate or quicklime, and then adds some water. When the gas is generated, the personnel go out and close the door. After a few hours of formalin steam sterilization, the aqueous ammonia is then placed in the room to absorb the formalin odor, which is completed after ventilation and disinfection.

5 bleaching powder method

It is brushed with 4% bleach solution, and the disinfection effect is good. If 7 parts of stone base is added to 5 parts of bleaching powder, it is better to disinfect and ventilate for several hours.

6 sodium fluoride method

The wall is brushed with 2% sodium fluoride and 20% kaolin. It can be mildewed at 0 °C for 1-2 years.

Sodium 7-hydroxybiphenolate

That is, the mold is removed by brushing with a 2% sodium hydroxybiphenolate solution. This method of odor can not be transmitted to the meat, nor will it corrode the utensils, but protective measures should be taken when painting.