

Fast dynamic snow machine


Skiing quickly became popular in the early to mid-20th century. As more and more people are keen on the sport and make it an annual tradition, the ski trails have developed into extremely profitable businesses. With the successful application of the Winter Olympics in China in 2022, Jin Yumingdi independently developed a fast dynamic snowmaking equipment. This kind of equipment solves the scene of snow only in winter and autumn, and Guangzhou Jinhao Electric Co., Ltd. invested in the first large indoor ski resort in South China in 2016. Today, Jin Hao Mingdi is fast. Dynamic snow machines have become standard equipment for most ski resorts around the world. Jin Hao Ming Di fast dynamic snow machine makes many ski resorts open all year round in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

There is a general perception of machine snowmaking that the snow is not natural enough. But this is not the case. There is no difference between this kind of snow and the snow falling from the sky. The only difference is that the snow is made by machines rather than weather conditions. Although the machine works in a different way than the weather system, the work done is exactly the same. In order to understand the working principle of machine snow, we may first look at how snow is formed under natural conditions. Snow comes from the water vapor in the atmosphere. When the temperature of the water vapor (gaseous water) in the atmosphere drops to the condensation point (from a gaseous state to a liquid or solid state), a cloud is formed. The water droplets in the clouds are very light, and the air in the atmosphere is enough to keep them in the air. If the water droplets become too heavy, they will fall in the form of precipitation. When the temperature is low to a certain extent, the water vapor will not condense into liquid water droplets, but will form tiny ice crystals. In most parts of the world, rain usually begins to fall in the form of snow, but in the process of falling in the atmosphere, the snow melts (the height of the clouds is very cold, even in summer).

Oddly enough, water does not freeze automatically at "freezing temperatures" (0 degrees Celsius). Pure water only cools to a lower temperature (eg -40 degrees Fahrenheit / 40 degrees Celsius)


Will lose enough heat and change shape. However, the water in the clouds does freeze normally at 0 degrees Celsius, which is the role of a nucleating agent. A nucleating agent is a naturally occurring substance that helps water molecules bind. It attracts water molecules and reduces the thermal energy contained in the water molecules to the critical point where ice crystals can form. The nucleating agents in snow crystals are just some dust, bacteria and other substances suspended in the atmosphere. The water forms a core (center) of the snow crystal after it condenses on the nucleating agent.

As the snow crystals move around in the clouds, more water particles will condense onto them and freeze into crystals. The collection of individual crystals forms a snowflake. The snowflake will fall to the ground as it gradually becomes heavier. If the temperature is always low throughout the fall, the snowflake will remain frozen when it reaches the ground.

Jin Hao Ming Di fast snow machine snow making

We have seen that water vapor condenses when it is at a low temperature (usually condensing around a nucleating agent) and turns into ice crystals, which form snow. Therefore, the main conditions for snowmaking to be met are water and low temperature. The cold machine uses the Carnot principle to reduce the water to -1 degree. After the water passes through the ice machine, the snowflake body is directly sprayed into the incubator body, and the snow is sent out from the box body by the automatic snow-covering device. The snow is sent by the conveying device. Each sprinkler performs a snowfall scene.


The most widely used market for snow machines is the ski industry. But artificial snow has many other uses. For example, snow machines play an important role in many film productions. Filmmakers often spend months shooting scenes that only happen within a few days. If the movie episode is unfolding in a snowy background, the set designer needs to arrange the appropriate amount of snow for each day's shooting. Depending on the weather, this may mean melting natural snow or adding artificial snow.

Artificial snow also has a place in agricultural production. A well-covered layer of snow prevents the heat from being released into the air, so farmers often use snow as an insulation layer for winter crops. Even if the temperature drops to zero degrees Celsius, the isolation effect will ensure that the crop will not be frozen.

Another use for artificial snow is to test aircraft equipment. Because airplanes fly high in the atmosphere, they must be able to withstand cold and snowy weather conditions. Aircraft designers use snow machines to test the performance of aircraft equipment under these conditions.

Small snow machines and artificial snow services also have consumer markets. Some homeowners are willing to spend a few hundred dollars during the Christmas season to put a layer of pleasing white snow on their yards and houses, or just to give children a special reward. I really want people who are full of snow in the courtyard to buy a private snow machine. These models are typically priced at thousands of dollars and can be connected to regular garden hoses and standard electrical outlets. Like snow machines on ski slopes, such snow machines also consume large amounts of water and electricity; but they are easy to operate.



For ski resorts, the cost of water is not a huge expense, and the impact of extracting so much water on the environment is not great. Most ski resorts pump water from one or more reservoirs located low. The water flowing down the slope will return to these reservoirs, so the ski resort is actually using the same water repeatedly. However, the flow of snow from the snow will have some adverse effects on animals and plants, so the ski resort must work hard to ensure that the water level is relatively balanced.

Electricity consumption is an important environmental consideration and one of the biggest expenses for ski resorts. However, Jin Yumingdi's rapid snow making mechanism only needs 40 kWh of electricity for one ton of snow, which greatly reduces the operating cost of domestic indoor ski resorts. At the same time, it is also available for the country's 2022 winter snow, so the sports venues should be set up. In the northeast, it also solves the need to provide protection for the post-sale venues to turn to civilian sports and fitness.