

The seventh "Air Energy Lecture Hall" will be held in Suzhou

PubDate:2017-03-27Author:Drying heat pumpSources:Heat pump industry informationViews:6227


  欧洲热泵培训从 2005 年开始,已经有 10 年成功的培训经验,空气能大讲堂借鉴欧洲热泵协会培训体系,经过中国节能协会,国际铜业协会与欧洲热泵协会的密切沟通,将这套成熟的培训计划引入国内,针对中国市场国情进行本土化处理。

  煤改电市场的兴起需要大量专业的安装施工售后人员。 “空气能大讲堂”提供专业的技术指导培训,针对目前煤改电市场中所存在的空气能采暖的巨大需求,培训中进行针对性的授课培训。为了进一步完善空气能地暖在现实施工中的操作规范,培训还将对于空气能地暖施工中的注意事项与要点进行详细分解,促进空气能在应用领域中的健康发展,共创和谐的市场竞争环境。“空气能大讲堂”已经分别在南京、重庆、济南、苏州、太原举行了六期,学员反响不错,应广大经销商、安装技术人员的反馈,将于近期举办第七期培训活动。



China Heat Pump Industry Alliance

China Energy Conservation Association Heat Pump Professional Committee

International Copper Association's efficient heating project

European Heat Pump Association

Air Energy Hot Water / Heating Lecture Hall 7

First, training time:

April 25-27, 2017 (April 25, 26-27 training)

Second, the training location:

Suzhou-Emerson Partner+ Training Center (35 Longtan Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province)

Third, the charging standard:

200 yuan / person (including teaching materials, certificate cost, student room and board)

Fourth, the training object:

Sales of air source heat pump equipment manufacturers, technical and after-sales service personnel, air source heat pump equipment installation practitioners, heating system construction practitioners, air conditioning refrigeration installers, solar thermal manufacturers, solar thermal equipment integrators, design institutes, etc.

V. Training content

Note: At the same time, the site of the China Heat Pump Industry Alliance dealer membership can be voluntarily processed.

Air energy lecture hall - receipt form

Note: Please send the completed receipt to the conference group before April 20, 2017.


Remarks: Accommodation accommodation is arranged in a unified manner.

Registration contact information

1. China Energy Conservation Association Heat Pump Professional Committee

Chen Ming

Phone: 010-64525327

Mobile: 15001120548


2. "Heat Pump Industry Information" magazine

Sun Yucheng

Tel: 0519-85607603

Mobile: 15961291406
